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We started pruning three weeks ago, the weather is mostly ideal for work. 8 parcels are ready from fifteen.  The nice snow has melted by now, we are wallowing in the mud, but we are doing well.



The 2018 dry items were fermented, except one barrel of ÚRÁGYA. Fordítás and Aszú are fermenting in the cellar for a while.

The harvest of 2018 was beautiful, all my dreams have been fulfilled from dry wines to Aszu as well. The harvest was long, but it was worth it.



We plan to launch five new wines in early March. Three vineyard-selected Furmint from 2011. one Hárslevelű from 2011 and one Furmint from 2004, after thirteen years of bottle aging. The name is Marcangoló.



We took part in a tastin in London and Budapest, Vajdahunyadvár within a Furmint February’s event.

We promote Furmint 16th February in Hotel Spirit in Sárvár and 20th February in Vino-Piano in Budapest.


Tokaj-hegyalja, Mád – 12. February, 2019.